Wednesday , March 12 2025

Professor Rajiv Saxena, Education, Appointments, Awards, Honors, Invitations, Research Funding

Professor RK Saxena, PhD, FASc, FNASc, FNA, JC Bose Awardee, INSA Senior Scientist

Academic Qualifications


All India Institute of Medical Sciences
(Biochemistry Department) New Delhi, (1977)

M.Sc. (Biochemistry)

All India Institute of Medical Sciences
(Biochemistry Department) New Delhi, (1973)

B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry

Delhi University, Delhi (1970).
First rank in Delhi University in all three years.
Distinction in Physics.


Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi (1967)
Distinctions in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.


Experience And Appointments

Feb 2016 to date

Professor Emeritus / INSA Senior Scientist, FLSB, SAU, New Delhi

Dec 2011 to Feb 2016

Vice President, South Asian University

March 2014 to Oct 2014

Acting President, South Asian University

June 2011 to date

Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences and Biotechnology
South Asian University, New Delhi

Oct 2008 to Dec 2011

Officer on Special Duty (Academics & Planning)
South Asian University
(A SAARC sponsored International University)
New Delhi (on deputation from JNU)

Jan 1992 to June 2011

Professor, School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
New Delhi (currently on deputation to SAU)

Sept 2005 to Sept 2007

Visiting Professor
National Research Council (NRC)
National Academy of Science of USA
US Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA

July 2002 to June 2005

Rector (Pro-Vice chancellor / Vice President)
Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
New Delhi 110067

Jan 2001 to July 2002

Dean, School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110 067

Nov 1999 to Dec 2000
April 2001 to July 2001

Visiting Professor
National Research Council (NRC)
National Academy of Science, USA
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Morgantown, WV, USA

Jan 1990 to Jan 1992

Visiting Professor
Department of Pathology University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

April 1985 to Jan 1990

Associate Professor
School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110067

Feb 1984 to April 1985

Senior Research Officer
National Institute of Immunology
New Delhi.

Sept 1981 to Feb 1984

Visiting Research Associate
National Institute on Aging,
National Institutes of Health,

July 1978 to Sept 1981

Visiting Fellow
National Institute on Aging,
National Institutes of Health,

May 1976 to June 1978

Tutor of Biochemistry
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
New Delhi

July 1967 to May 1976

National Science Talent Scholar
Obtained B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. and Ph.D. Degrees during this period


Awards / Distinctions / Honors / Memberships

  1. National Science Talent Scholarship Award Government of India, 1967.
  2. Science Exhibition Award, for first rank, Delhi University, 1967.
  3. Science Exhibition Award, for first rank, Delhi University, 1968.
  4. Science Exhibition Award, for first rank, Delhi University, 1969.
  5. Professor T.R. Seshadri Award, for first rank, Delhi University, 1970.
  6. NIH Visiting Fellowship, NIA, NIH, USA, July 1978.
  7. NIH Visiting Associateship, NIA, NIH, USA, September 1981.
  8. Membership, American Association of Immunology, April 1982.
  9. Membership, New York Academy of Science, 1983.
  10. Membership, American Society of Microbiology, January 1984.
  11. Life Membership, Indian Society of Immunology, 1984.
  12. Consultant to Immunology Section NIH, NIH, Baltimore, Md. May 15 to July 16, 1987.
  13. Member, Research Advisory Panel, National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, 1987.
  14. Member, Research Advisory Committee, Malaria Research Center, Delhi, 1987.
  15. Invited Charter Member, Society of Natural Immunity (USA), 1987.
  16. Consultant to Immunology Section, NIA, NIH, Baltimore, Md., USA, June 23 to July 23, 1989.
  17. Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pa., USA. Two years starting from Jan 1990.
  18. Elected Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, January 1993.
  19. Consultant to Immunology Section, NIA, NIH, Baltimore, MD, USA, 21 May 1993 to 22 June 1993.
  20. Member Academic Committee, Naval College of Engineering, Lonavale, Nominated for a two years term, April 1993.
  21. Member, Academic Committee, Biochemistry Department, Hamdard University, New Delhi, 1993.
  22. Life Member, Indian Society of Cell Biology, 1993.
  23. Appointed Secretary of the 10th International Congress of Immunology, New Delhi, Dec. 1993.
  24. Elected Treasurer, Indian Society of Immunology, Dec. 1993.
  25. Invited member, ICMR Task Force on Parameters related to immune-surveillance in Indian population, May 1994.
  26. Visiting Scientist, NIA, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, USA. May-July 1995.
  27. Guest Editor for a special issue of the Journal of Biosciences (Indian Academy of Sciences), devoted to Immunology in India (1995 / 1996).
  28. Elected Secretary, Indian Immunology Society, Dec. 1995.
  29. Awarded, NII Senior Scientist Oration Award by Indian Immunology Society in its XXII Annual Conference held at JNU, New Delhi, Dec. 15-17, 1995.
  30. Visiting Scientist, under Indo-US VAP program, Department of Microbiology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA. April / May, 1996.
  31. Member Academic Committee, Military College of Telecommunication and Engineering, Mhow, Nominated for a two years term. April 1997.
  32. Member, Panel on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University Grants Commission, April 1997.
  33. Elected Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, July 1997.
  34. Member, JNU Planning and Perspective Group, 1997.
  35. Visiting Scientist, under Indo-US VAP program, Department of Microbiology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA. August / Sept. 1997.
  36. Convener, International Continuing Education Workshop in Immunology course SLS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Oct. 30, to Nov. 1, 1998.
  37. Chairman, Education Committee and Member Program Committee, 10th International Congress of Immunology, New Delhi Nov. 1998.
  38. Chairman, Institutional Animals Ethics Committee for Jawaharlal Nehru University. Feb 1999.
  39. Senior NRC Award by the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, USA, for a period of one year four months to work at the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Morgantown, West Virginia, USA. Dec. 1999 – July 2001.
  40. Appointed Dean, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Jan 2001 – June 2002.
  41. Member, Program Advisory Committee on Health Sciences, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi. 2001-2004.
  42. Member, Society for Scientific Values, Delhi Jan. 2002.
  43. Member, ICMR Task Force in Immunology, April 2002.
  44. Appointed Rector, JNU, July 2002.
  45. Elected Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy, Dec. 2002.
  46. Member Selection Committee VII (Animal Sciences), Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi. Nov 2003.
  47. Member, Advisory Committee, Department of Biotechnology, Calicut University, Kerala, 2003.
  48. Member, Advisory Committee, Department of Biotechnology, GJ University, Hisar, 2004.
  49. Member, DST Expert Committee on etting up of “Center for Biomedical and Bioseparation Technology” within Vellore Institute of Technology. 2004.
  50. Member, University Grants Commission (UGC) committee on Intellectual Property Rights in Indian Universities, UGC, New Delhi 2004.
  51. Member, Editorial board, UGC Handbook on Research Output in Indian Universities, UGC, New Delhi 2004.
  52. Member Industrial Research and Development Board, Indian Institute of Technology, (IIT), Delhi 2004-5.
  53. Member, Higher education panel for collaboration between the University Grants Commission and NASSCOM, Feb 2005.
  54. Member, UGC committee for evolving the Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Cells in Indian Universities, Feb. 2005.
  55. Senior NRC Award by the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, USA, for a period of two years to work at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Sept 2005-August 2007.
  56. Visiting scientist, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. USA, July 9, 2008 to Aug 22, 2008.
  57. Invited to join the new South Asian University (an International University jointly proposed by the SAARC countries – India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka), New Delhi, as Officer on Special Duty (OSD) (Academics and Planning). Joined on Deputation from JNU, from Oct 1, 2008.
  58. Member, Selection Committee in Biotechnology and Life Sciences, to select Senior Research Fellows and Research Associates, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi 2010.
  59. Member, Expert Committee to review and recommend Major Research Project review submitted to the University Grants Commission, New Delhi Dec. 2010.
  60. Member, National Selection Committee, Fullbright-Nehru visiting lectureship, United States-India Educational Foundation, Fullbright House, New Delhi. Oct. 2010.
  61. Member, UGC Evaluation committee to Bangalore University for UGC’s University with Potential for Excellence programmed. Bangalore Aug 24-28, 2011.
  62. Member, Planning Commission constituted committee to review the Parliament Act of Nalanda University, Patna. May 2012.
  63. President’s nominee, Faculty selection committee for Environmental Sciences, Central University of Jammu, Jammu, 2012.
  64. Member, UGC Evaluation committee to evaluate the Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology of the Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore, Nov 26-27, 2012.
  65. Chairman, UGC Expert Committee to review research center in Nanomaterials at University of Mumbai. Oct 2013.
  66. Chairman, UGC Expert Committee to review research center in Biomedical Nanosciences at University of Madras. Oct 2013.
  67. Chairman, UGC Expert Committee to review research center in Nanofabrication at University of Calcutta. Oct 2013.
  68. JC Bose National Research Fellowship Award, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi. Nov. 2013.
  69. Membership of the India International Center, Nov. 2014.
  70. Member Selection Committee. (a) Biju Patnayak Life Time Achievement Award in Science, (b) Samanta Chandrasekhar Award (c) Young Scientist Award, Odisha Bigyan Academy, Bhubaneswar, Dec 13-15, 2014
  71. Convener, Section on “Science and Technology in SAARC Countaries”, National Science Congress, Mumbai, Jan 4, 2015.
  72. Chairman, South Asian Biotechnology Conference, South Asian University, Feb 12-14, 2015.
  73. Chairman, Workshops on Molecular Biology Techniques and Protein engineering at South Asian University, June 2015.
  74. Membership, Society of Toxicology, USA, June, 2015.
  75. Chairman, International Workshop on “micro RNA: Novel tool for Diagnostics”; at South Asian University, October 15-16, 2015.
  76. Chairman, UGC Expert Committee for mid-term review of the “University Program of Excellence (UPE II)” of Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Nov 24-25, 2015.
  77. Chairman / Convener, Indo-US Workshop on “Flow Cytometry and Metabolomics in Studying Infectious Diseases in Animals and Humans”, South Asian University, New Delhi. Feb 20-22, 2017.
  78. Chairman, International Workshop on “Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry” – coordinated by Dr. Priti Saxena, June4-7, 2017.
  79. Guest of honor in Meerut Literary Festival (Nov 24-26, 2017)
  80. Awarded क्रांतिधरा मेरठ साहित्यिक सृजन सम्मान for contribution to Hindi poetry and literature. Meerut Literary Festival Nov. 24-26, 2017.
  81. Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Senior Scientist Award (July 2019)

University Administrative Experience

  • Warden of Sutlej Hostel at JNU: May 1988 to Dec. 1989.
  • Chairman, Admission Committee, School of Life Sciences, JNU, 1994.
  • Adviser, Research Project Cell, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 1997.
  • Chairman, House Allotment Committee (Research Scientists), 1998 .
  • Member, Committee for Planning and Perspective for next 25 years, JNU (1998).
  • Chairman, Institutional Animal Ethics Committee, JNU (Feb. 1999).
  • Acting Dean, School of Life Sciences, JNU, April 1, 1999 to June 30, 1999.
  • Dean, School of Life Sciences, JNU. Jan 4, 2001 to Jan 3, 2003.
  • Member, Executive Council, JNU, New Delhi. July 2001.
  • Member, Committee to draft 10th Plan document for JNU, Nov. 2001.
  • Rector / Pro-Vice chancellor Jawaharlal Nehru University, July 2002-June 2005.
  • Member Finance Committee, JNU, July 2002.
  • In-charge, UGC “University with Potential of Excellence (UPOE)” 300 million Rupees grant to JNU.
  • Chairman, University Resource Mobilization Committee, 2003.
  • Chairman, Computational Facilities and Campus Networking Committee, 2003.
  • Chairman, University Buildings, Works and Infrastructure Committee, 2003.
  • Chairman, University Library Advisory committee, 2003.
  • Chairman, University level Equipment Advisory Committee, 2003.
  • Chairman, JNU Convention center committee, 2003.
  • Chairman, JNU Knowledge park committee, 2003.
  • Chairman, University animal house development committee, 2003.
  • Chairman, JNU Intellectual Property Management (IPM) Committee, 2003.
  • Chairman, Editorial Committee, Integrated Publication Cell, JNU, 2003.
  • Chairman, Committee to prepare a vision document for academic growth of JNU over next 20 years, 2004.
  • Chairman, NAAC Committee, JNU for NAAC accreditation of the University, 2004.
  • Chairman, E. Governance Committee, JNU for introducing E. Governance in all functions of the University, 2004.
  • Officer on Special Duty (OSD) (Academics and planning) South Asian University, New Delhi. Oct 2008.
  • Member Secretary, Task Force on Academics, South Asian University, New Delhi, 2008.
  • Member Secretary, Task Force on Infrastructure, South Asian University, New Delhi, 2008.
  • Member Secretary, Task Force on Governance & Legal Affairs, South Asian University, New Delhi, 2009.
  • Member Secretary, Task Force on Business Plan, South Asian University, New Delhi, 2009.
  • Member Secretary, Advisory Committee on Campus Development, South Asian University, New Delhi, 2009.
  • Member, SAU Infrastructure Development Committee, Delhi Government, May 2009.
  • Member, SAU Building Works Committee, Oct 2011.
  • President’s nominee, Faculty selection committee for Environmental Sciences, Central University of Jammu, Jammu, 2012.
  • Convener, Expert Committee to frame rules for Assessment and Promotion of faculty members at the South Asian University, nominated by the Board of Governors of SAU, Dec. 2012.
  • Convener, Expert Group to frame the proposals for II phase expansion of the South Asian University, Dec. 2012.
  • Acting President, South Asian University, March 1- Nov 2, 2014.

Research Grants & External Funding

  1. Principal Investigator: DST grant on “Establishment and Study of T-helper, T-cytotoxic and Natural Killer Lymphocyte Cell Lines” ₹ 28 Lacs (2.8 million); Jan. 1986 to Dec. 1989.
  2. Principal Investigator: CSIR grant on “Purification and Characterization of a Natural Killer – Lysis Resistance Factor (NK-LRIF) and Studies on its Role in Modulating Leukocyte and Tumor Cell Membrane Antigens”. ₹ 6.5 lacs (0.65 million); Sept. 1989 to Sept. 1992.
  3. Principal Investigator: CSIR grant on “Properties and Characterization of a non-Interleukin-2 Proliferation Inducing Activity Released by Mouse Spleen Cells Undergoing Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction”. ₹ 3.5 Lacs (0.35 million); July 1993 to June 1996. Principal Investigator:
  4. DBT grant on “Major Histocompatibility Complex I Antigen Expression Augmenting Factor (MEAF), A New Immunomodulatory Cytokine: Purification, Characterization and Sequencing”. ₹ 73 Lacs (7.3 Million); Jan. 1994 to Jan. 1997.
  5. Principal Investigator: Indo-US Vaccine Action Program (VAP) grant on “Bio-chemical and Immunological Characterization of Antigens Secreted by Indian Isolates of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Their Derivatives” (With Dr. Ian Orme, University of Colorado, CO, USA, as US counterpart). Under consideration of funding. VAP program is jointly run by DBT in India and NIH in USA. ₹ 30 Lacs, (3 million) ; May 1995 – May 1998.
  6. ICMR task-force project (Under AIDS Coordinating Unit of ICMR) entitled, “To study normal ranges of the important lymphocyte sub-populations in Indian population”, ₹ 10 Lacs (1 million); Feb. 1996 – Feb. 1998.
  7. DST project entitled, “Role of lymphocytes in erythrocyte destruction”, ₹ 14 Lacs (1.4 million); June 1997 to June 2000.
  8. WHO Grant, Development of an immunodiagnostic test for tuberculosis based upon detection of secretory antigens of M. tuberculosis, Jan. 1998. ₹ 10 Lacs (1 million); Jan 1998 to Jan 2000.
  9. Potts Memorial Foundation (USA) Grant on a urine antigen detection assay for tuberculosis. US $ 18,000; Jan. 1998 to Dec 2000.
  10. CSIR Grant on “Modulation of Natural Killer Cell activation by Tumor Cells and Tumor derived Products”. ₹ 10 Lacs (1 million); Jan . 1999 to Jan. 2002.
  11. DST project entitled, “Mechanism and patho-physiological relevance of cell mediated lysis of erythrocytes”, ₹ 16 Lacs (1.6 million); Sept. 2001 to Sept. 2004.
  12. UGC project entitled, “Tuberculosis antigen detection in urine; role of antibody affinity in sensitivity of the assay”, ₹ 7.0 Lacs (0.7 million), July 2001 – June 2003.
  13. UGC University of Excellence project “Modulation of toll like receptor (TLR) expression on leukocytes involved with localized innate and adaptive immune response in lungs, and its functional implications”, ₹ 15 Lacs (1.5 million). March 2002 to March 2007.
  14. CDC, (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, USA) Research Contract on “Innate local immunity in lungs and its modulation by air-borne particulate. US $ 25,000; April . 2002 to Oct. 2002.
  15. ICMR project entitled, “Influence of diesel exhaust particulate material on disease susceptibility and local immune responses in lungs”, ₹ 30 Lacs (3 million). Feb 2003-Feb. 2006.
  16. ICMR project entitled, “Response to PAMPs and Cytokines in Silica Exposure: Relation to the Development of Silico-tuberculosis” ₹ 30 Lacs (3 million), June 2007 – June 2010.
  17. DST project entitled, “To explore the relationship between the age of erythrocytes in blood circulation and their susceptibility to stress and anemia inducing agents” Rs. 35 Lacs (3.5 million). April 2009-March 2012.
  18. DST Nano Science Mission project entitled, “Interactions of carbon nano-particles and their chemically modified forms with cells and organs in vitro and in vivo” Rs. 1.35 Crore (13.5 million), April 2009 to March 2012.
  19. South Asian University intramural project “Interactions of poly-dispersed carbon Nanotubes with immune system: Modulation of T cell and NK cell activation process by carbon nanotubes” US$ 45,000, Jan 2012 to Jan 2016.
  20. DST project entitled, “Modulation of erythroid line of differentiation and erythrocyte turnover in mouse model of autoimmune hemolytic anemia” Rs. 4 million 2013-2016.
  21. JC Bose National Research Fellowship Award from DST. Travel and research contingency of ₹ 63 Lacs. 2014-2019.
  22. DST Nano Science Mission project entitled “Uptake and effects of control and target directed carbon nanoparticles by differentiating and matured subpopulations of leukocytes in resting and activated states.”, About Rs. 21 million. Sanctioned March 2015. (From 2015 to 2019).

International / National Meetings / Workshops / Conferences Organized

  1. Convener, Indo-French Workshop on Recent Advances in Immunodiagnostic Techniques. National institute of Immunology, New Delhi. Dec. 2-21, 1985. 50 participants.
  2. Organizing secretary, 22nd Annual meeting of the Indian Immunology Society, at School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, Dec.15-17, 1995. 300 participants.
  3. Convener, International Continuing Education Workshop in Immunology, School of Life Sciences, JNU, New Delhi 30 Oct. to 1 Nov. 1998. 150 participants.
  4. Chairman, South Asian Biotechnology Conference, organized by the Faculty of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, South Asian University, New Delhi. Feb, 12-14, 2015 (150 participants including 30 from SAARC countries other than India.
  5. Chairman, International Workshop on “Recombinant DNA Technology” – coordinated by Dr. Ritu Gaur and Dr. Senthil Kumar Venugopal (July 6-10, 2015)
  6. Chairman, International Workshop on “Protein Expression and Purification Techniques” – coordinated by Dr. Rinkoo Devi Gupta and Dr. AnandaMustafiz ( July 13-17, 2015)
  7. Chairman, International Workshop on “microRNAs: Novel tools for Diagnostics” – coordinated by Dr. Ritu Gaur & Dr. Senthil Kumar Venugopal (October 15-16, 2015)
  8. Chairman, International Workshop on “Gene Expression Analysis by Real Time PCR” – coordinated by Dr. Rinkoo Devi Gupta & Dr. AnandaMustafiz (December 9-11, 2015)
  9. Chairman, International Workshop on “Mammalian Cell Culture Techniques and Cytotoxicity Assays” – coordinated by Dr. Ravi Shankar Akundi and Dr. Yubaraj Pokharel (December 14-16, 2015)
  10. Convener, Indo-US Workshop on “Flow Cytometry and Metabolomics in Studying Infectious Diseases in Animals and Humans”, co-convened by Prof. Ian Orme, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Held in SAU, Feb 20-22, 2017.
  11. Chairman, International Workshop on “Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry” – coordinated by Dr. Priti Saxena, June 4-7, 2017.

Selected Invitations / Workshops / Seminars / Guest Lectures

  1. Invited Speaker, 4th International Workshop on Natural Killer Cells, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, July 3-6, 1986.
  2. Invited speaker, Symposium on Immunology and Genetics of Natural Resistance to Malignancies, 6th International Congress of Immunology, Toronto, Canada, 8 July 1986.
  3. Invited Talk, Lymphocyte Culture, 7th National Congress of Parasitology, Ravishankar University, Raipur. Dec. 26-28, 1986.
  4. Expert Invitee, National Workshop on Traditional Medicine and Immunology, Organized by the Technology Mission of Govt. of India, Ahmedabad. Sept. 16-18, 1988.
  5. Invited Faculty for Lecture and Demonstration, Indo-US Workshop on Cell Mediated Immunity in Relation to Tropical Diseases, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, Oct.10-14, 1988.
  6. Invited Speaker, DST National Seminar on Thrust Areas in Life Sciences (Review and Update), Department of science and Technology, Govt. of India, Lucknow, Dec.6-8, 1988.
  7. Invited Talk, Role of MHC Antigen in NK Cell Mediated Target Lysis, Indo-French Colloquium on “Recent Advances in Life Sciences and Vaccinology” NII, New Delhi, Feb. 5-10, 1989.
  8. Guest Lecture, Natural Killer – Lysis Resistance Inducing Factor : Current Status. Pittsburgh Cancer Center, Pittsburgh, March, 1989.
  9. Invitation for participation, Sixth International NK Workshop, Goslar, West Germany, July 26-29, 1989.
  10. Invited Faculty, International Union of Immunological Societies – World Health Organization Advanced Course in Immunology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Nov. 1989.
  11. Invited Speaker, XIII All India Cell Biology Conference and Cell Biology Symposia, Center of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad. Dec.27-2, 1989.
  12. Invited Talk, Regulation of tumor MHC class I antigen expression by a protein factor released by mitogen activated lymphocytes. National Cancer Institute, NIH, USA. Dec. 1991.
  13. Invited Talk, Modulation of membrane expression of MHC class I antigens on tumor cells by a spleen derived factor. National Institute of Aging, NIH, USA. Dec. 1991.
  14. Invited faculty, delivered two lectures on “Cells in Immune response” and “Histocompatibility antigens and transplantation immunology”, in Refresher course in Biochemistry with special emphasis on Immunology, Center for Professional Development in Higher Education, University of Delhi, Sept. 1992.
  15. Invited Speaker, Evidence for a novel human cytokine that augments the expression of MHC I antigens on tumor cells, Brainstorming session on Molecular Immunology, University of Delhi South Campus, Jan. 1993.
  16. Invited as an Expert Member, “10th Group Monitoring Workshop on DST funded Young Scientists Projects”, held at S.V. University, Tirupati, April 9-10, 1993.
  17. Invited for a research presentation Mid year meeting of the Indian Academy of Sciences”, I.I.Sc. Bangalore, July, 1993.
  18. Invited Faculty in IUIS-AIIMS Advanced Immunology Course. Talk on Natural Killer Cells. AIIMS, New Delhi, Oct. 1993.
  19. Invited Speaker, Workshop on Flowcytometry, Department of Biotechnology, AIIMS, New Delhi, Oct. 1993.
  20. Invited Speaker, Indo-French symposium on Trends in Cancer Research, organized by Cancer Research Institute, Bombay. Talk entitled “Role of major histocompatibility complex antigens in regulating tumor cell susceptibility to lysis by cytotoxic effector cells. Lonavla Dec. 8-13, 1993.
  21. Invited Speaker, 20th Annual Conference of Indian Immunology Society, Bhopal. Talk on “Evidence for two novel cytokine activities released by activated rodent spleen cells and human PBLs. Bhopal, Dec. 1993.
  22. Invited Speaker, DST sponsored W/S on “Techniques in Flowcytometry”. Talk on “Flowcytometry: an irreplaceable research tool with Immunologists”. CRC, Bombay, June 1994.
  23. Invited Faculty, CME Course in “Advances in Immunology”, Delivered lectures on Natural Killer Cells, Cytokines and cytokine receptors and Immune-tolerance. Defense Research and Development Establishment, Gwalior Dec. 3-5, 1994.
  24. Invite Faculty, UGC refresher course in Immunology, Department of Zoology, Meerut University. Jan 28, 1995.
  25. Invited Speaker, meeting on “Teaching of Microbiology“, by Association of Microbiologists of India, University of Delhi, South Campus, 20 September, 1995.
  26. NII Senior Scientist Award Oration, “Missing of Self by Heterogeneous NK cells”, XXII Annual Conference of the Indian Immunology Society, SLS, JNU, New Delhi, December, 1995.
  27. Invited Speaker, Molecular Immunology Forum, IMTECH Chandigarh. 2 Feb 1996.
  28. Invited Faculty, in DBT sponsored Workshop on “Cytokine profile in human health and Disease”. Lecture on Cytokine Receptors. April 12, 1996.
  29. Invited Speaker, Flowcytometry users group meeting, “Fas mediated lysis by young and old lymphocytes” CCMB, Hyderabad, 12 Dec. 1996.
  30. Invited Speaker, “Differential induction of cytotoxic cells killing through Fas mechanism, in mitogen activated young and old mouse spleen cells”. 23rd Annual Conference of the Indian Immunology Society, Andhra University, Vishakapatnam 13-15 Dec. 1996.
  31. Invited Speaker, Indo-French symposium on Immunomodulation, at National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi. Talk entitled “NK cell modulation by tumor” Dec. 2-6, 1997.
  32. Invited Speaker, DST, ICMR, EC, Indo-UK, Workshop on Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis Research Institute, Chennai. 3-5 Feb. 1998.
  33. Invited Speaker, DBT Expert group meeting on Tuberculosis.
  34. Invited Speaker, Workshop on Mycobacterial Genome, Bio-informatics Center, JNU. August 25, 1998.
  35. Invited faculty, talk on NK cells and their receptors. International CE Workshop in Immunology, JNU, 30 Oct to 1 Nov. 1998.
  36. Co-Chairman, and invited speaker, Workshop on NK cells, 10th International Congress of Immunology, New Delhi 1-6 Nov. 1998.
  37. Invited Course Faculty. IUIS sponsored Immunology Update Course. Talk on “Antigen perception by T and B cells”. International Congress of Veterinary Immunology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Nov. 8, 1998.
  38. Invited Speaker, Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, AIIMS, to deliver a talk on “NK cells and cancer”. 2 Aug. 1999.
  39. Invited Speaker, Workshop on Intercellular Pathogens, International Training and research in Emerging Infectious Diseases. School of Life Sciences, JNU, Dec 6-10, 1999.
  40. Invited Speaker, 27th Annual meeting of the Indian Immunology Society. Agra, 11-13 Dec. 2000.
  41. Invited Speaker. Molecular Immunology Forum meeting, SGPI Medical Institute, Lucknow. Feb. 2001.
  42. Invited Speaker, 28th Annual meeting of the Indian Immunology Society. AIIMS, New Delhi Oct 4-6, 2001.
  43. Invited talk, Immunology and Biotechnology, DST, Health Sciences PAC meeting, Darjeeling. Nov. 2001.
  44. Invited talk, International Symposium on Recent Trends in Cancer Research, School of Life Sciences, JNU, New Delhi. March 12-14, 2002.
  45. Invited participant, Conference on “Oxygen and Nitrogen radicals: Cell injury and disease”, NIOSH, CDC, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA. June, 2002.
  46. Invited Panel discussant, Session on ROS/RNS and gene expression in cancer and fibro-proliferative diseases, at the 3rd International Conference on Oxygen/Nitrogen redicals: Cell injury and disease, organized by NIOSH, CDC at Morgantown, WV, USA 1-5 June 2002.
  47. Key note address, Indian Scientific Translators Association on International translator’s Day celebration, 1 Sept. 2003.
  48. Guest Speaker, Forum for Literary Translations. School of Language, literature and Culture, JNU, New Delhi. 10 Nov. 2003.
  49. Key-note address, Higher Education :Alternatives Available” in Association of Indian Universities Round Table meeting of Vice Chancellors, Kurakshetra University, Kurakshetra (21-22 May 2004).
  50. Invited Speaker: 4th AIU Standing Committee Meeting, and the Round Table Meeting of Vice Chancellors on “Financing of Higher Education”. Sri Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram. June 3-5, 2004.
  51. Chairman, Session on “Use of Edusat Satellite in Higher Education”, in Edusat conference organized by ISRO and AIU. Bangalore, 23 July 2004.
  52. Invited Speaker, AIU All India Vice Chancellor’s Conference, University of West Bengal, Siliguri.
  53. Invited expert in Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Kathmandu University, Kathmandu April 20-21, 2005.
  54. Invited expert in Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Aassam University, Silcher, May 13,14, 2005.
  55. Invited Speaker, North Zone Vice-Chancellor’s Conference. Talk entitled “Managing University Autonomy: A financial Perspective. MD University Rohtak, June 8-10, 2005.
  56. Invited Speaker, during the Duke University Visiting Pulmonary Scholar program. Talk entitled “Accumulation and clearance of Diesel Exhaust Particles from lung epithelial cells, Durham, NC, USA.Nov 1, 2006.
  57. Invited Work-in-progress Talk “Uptake of nano-sized carbonaceous particles by lung epithelila cells and attendant toxicity responses” US Environmental protection agency. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA. Feb 20, 2007.
  58. Invited Speaker. 5th US Environmental Protection agency -German Science Foundation – Rochester Workshop on particle toxicity. Montreat, North Carolina, USA 16-18 May 2007.
  59. Invited Speaker. Symposium on – Advancing Nanotechnology and Its Implications in Biological Sciences, School of Life Sciences, JNU, New Delhi December 14, 2007.
  60. Plenary Talk. “Nano-particles and their interaction with lung epithelial cells”, during the 34th Annual conference of the Indian Immunology Society, National AIDS Research Institute, Pune. Dec. 16-18, 2007.
  61. Invited Speaker, “Role of phosphatidyl serine externalization in destruction of aging and stress damaged erythrocytes in vivo”, Molecular Immunology Forum annual meeting, IMTECH, Chandigarh, March 14-16, 2008.
  62. Invited Speaker “Deposition and clearance of diesel exhaust particles from normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats” US Environmental protection agency. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA. August 21, 2008.
  63. Invited Speaker “Interactions of Nanoparticles with lung cells”, Department of Environmental Sciences, Delhi University, 16 Sept, 2008.
  64. Invited Speaker “Nano-particles and their interactions with cells in culture” BARC Life Sciences Symposium, Dec. 2008, BARC, Mumbai.
  65. Valedictory Talk “Darwinian Evolution and the fate of Humanity” at National University of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi, March 27, 2009.
  66. Inaugural Talk “Interaction of carbon Nano-particles with nucleated and non-nucleated cells and the attendant toxic effects” in International Symposium on Environmental Pollution, Ecology and Human Health, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati (July 25-27, 2009).
  67. Invited Speaker in workshop entitled “Issues of risk in the regulation of nanotechnology”. Talk “Environmental health and safety issues: nature, extent and uncertainties”, Jointly held by Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, Jan. 8, 2010.
  68. Valedictory Talk “Evolution of human mind and the fate of human race” at Confluence-2010, Science Forum, Hindu College, Delhi University, Feb 10, 2010.
  69. Session Chairman, Conference on “Issues of Capabilities and Governance in Nanotechnology Development”, Session “Addressing Risks of Nanotechnology”, Jointly organized by the Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI), New Delhi and International Research Development Center (IDRC), Canada. April 22-23, 2010, New Delhi.
  70. Member, National Selection Committee, Fulbright-Nehru visiting lectureship, United States-India Educational Foundation, Fulbright House, New Delhi. Oct. 2010.
  71. Invited Speaker, (Interactions of Nano-particles with Biological systems), Department of Zoology, Punjab University, Chandigarh May 28, 2011.
  72. Invited falicitation talk: in “Symposium on Molecular Genetics and Immunology Journey through decades” SLS, JNU, Sept. 1, 2011.
  73. Invited Speaker, (Interactions of Nano-particles with Biological systems), Shenzhen University, China, Oct. 21, 2011.
  74. Invited speaker, (FICCI Higher Education Summit 2012), FICCI Hall, Nov 5-6, 2012
  75. Invited participant: Presented paper entitled “Suppression of murine T-helper and T-cytotoxic immune response by poly-dispersed single-walled carbon nanotubes”. 10th International Conference on New Trends in Immunosuppression & Immunotherapy Barcelona, Spain from March 11-12, 2013
  76. Invited talk: Interactions of nano-particles with biological systems, J. Bioscinces Editorial group mini-symposium, Bangalore, July 13, 2013.
  77. Chairman, panel discussion: Session on Open Data & Innovation in Education and Research, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, April 19, 2014.
  78. Inaugural talk: “Interactions of nano-particles with biological systems” Tribhuvan University and Kathmandu University, sponsored by the Indian Embassy Nepal and BP Koirala Nepal India Foundation, April 23-24, 20114.
  79. Invited Speaker: “Bringing Global Education to South Asia”, National Defense College, New Delhi, July 9, 2014.
  80. Invited Selection committee member for a science awards by Odisha Government: (a) Biju Patnayak Award for Life Time Achievement in Scientific Research, (b) Samanta Chandrasekhara Awards, and (c) Orissa Young Scientist Awards. Odisha Academy of Sciences, Bhubaneswar, Dec 13-15, 2014.
  81. Invited Speaker, Talk entitled “Need for a forum for biologist and biotechnologists in South Asia”, Session on “Science and Technology in SAARC Countaries”, 102nd Indian National Science Congress, Mumbai University, Mumbai, 3-7 Jan 2015.
  82. Invited Speaker, Talk entitled “Interactions of carbon nanotubes with cells of the erythroid lineage in mouse”, South Asian Biotechnology Conference 2015, South Asian University, Feb 12-14, 2015, South Asian University, New Delhi.
  83. Invited Speaker, Talk entitled “Erythrocyte turnover and erythropoietic patterns in anemia”, BioEpoch Conference, School of Biotechnology, Jawahar Lal University, New Delhi. April 10, 2015.
  84. Inaugural Talk, “Interactions of nanoparticles with biological systems”. Academic Staff College, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. July 20, 2015
  85. Plenary Talk, “Erythrocyte turnover and erythropoietic patterns in different models of anemia”, during the South Asian Biotechnology Conference 2016, Dhaka University, Dhaka. Feb. 5-6, 2016.
  86. Invited Talk: Interactions of nano-particles with the immune system, NanoBio Interface-2016, JNU, New Delhi. March 18-20, 2016.
  87. Invited Talk: Nanoparticles and the Immune System. Trends in Biomedical Research, National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, Oct 4, 2016.
  88. Faculty, Indo-US Workshop on “Flow Cytometry and Metabolomics in Studying Infectious Diseases in Animals and Humans”, South Asian University, New Delhi. Feb 20-22, 2017.
  89. Invited talk: ‘Science and Poetry’ Biozest, FLSB, SAU, New Delhi Dec 6, 2018.
  90. Invited Talk: Interactions of carbon nanoparticles with the immune system: Focus on B lymphocytes. South Asian Biotechnology Conference 2019, SAU, New Delhi. March 14-16, 2019.

Editorial / Review Work

  1. Reviewer of grants from DST, DBT, ICMR, DAE, Indo-French Center, Welcome Trust, UK.
  2. Reviewer of manuscripts in the field of Immunology from several Indian and international journals like J. Immunology (USA), Natural Immunity (USA), J. Immunopharmacology (USA), International J. Tuberculosis and chest diseases (USA), IJBB, IJEB, IJMR, J. Biosciences. BBRC (USA), Experimental Lung Research (UK).
  3. Member of the Editorial Board of “Natural Immunity”, official journal of the Society of Natural Immunity, USA. (1994).
  4. Guest Editor for a special issue of the Journal of Biosciences (Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore), devoted to Immunology in India (January 1997 issue).
  5. Editor, Bulletin of the Indian Immunology Society, the official publication of the Indian Immunology Society, 1996, 1997.
  6. Member, NICHD, NIH research sub-committee for grant reviews. NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA, March 2000.
  7. Member Editorial board. Journal of Biosciences, Indian Academy of Sciences. Bangalore. April 2001.
  8. Guest Editor for a special issue of the Journal of Biosciences (Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore), as Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Oxygen/Nitrogen redicals: Cell injury and disease, held at Morgantown, West Virginia, June 1-5, 2002.
  9. Member, Editorial board, UGC Handbook on Research Output in Indian Universities, UGC, New Delhi 2004.
  10. Editor, “SAU Connect” (The quarterly News Letter of the South Asian University). Since Oct 2009.
  11. Member, International Advisory Committee, Tribhuvan University Journal of Microbiology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu.

Patents And Consultancies

  1. A system for the detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens Application no. 1312/DEL/98 (NRDC) Filed 15-May-98.
  2. Prepared on contract (along with five other colleagues of SLS) an advisory document on setting up a Biotechnology Park at Kochi, Karela. Consultancy from Tata Housing Development Co.
  3. Saxena, R.K., Gilmour, M.I. and Hays, M.D. (2009) Measurement of carbonaceous particles in biological samples. United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Application #: 20090061473, Weblink:

General Articles

  1. Saxena, R.K. (1996). Research Funding in India. Some thoughts, some pipe dreams. Bulletin of the Indian Immunology Society, Sept. 1996 issue.
  2. Saxena, R.K. (1997). Preface on research and teaching in Immunology in India, for Immunology Special issue. J. Biosciences, Jan. 1997 issue.
  3. Saxena, R.K. (1997). Biomedical Research Funding in India: Time to wake up. (Editorial) National Medical Journal of India, 10, 105-106.
  4. Saxena, R. K. (1997). Funding Higher Education: Urgent need for alternatives. JNU News, 15, 16-17.
  5. Saxena, R.K. (1998) Continuing education in immunology. Immunology Today. 1998 19(10):437.
  6. Saxena, R.K. (2003) Scientific Translations: New opportunities in the era of globalization. Journal of Indian Scientific Translators Association 29, 35-38.
  7. Saxena, R.K. (2006) Spiritual Tradition and Scientific Innovation in India, book chapter in Science and Spirituality in India, M. Paranjape (Ed). Publishers Samvad India, New Delhi.
  8. Saxena, R.K. (2009) The Concept of Samskaras and Modern Biology. In “Samskrta, Samskrti and Samskara”, Shashiprabha Kumar (Ed). Vidyanidhi Prakashan (New Delhi), pp85-90.

About rajivkrishnasaxena