Wednesday , March 12 2025
Prof. Rajiv K Saxena, meeting the Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee
प्रोफेसर राजीव कृष्ण सक्सेना, वार्तालाप प्राइम मिनिस्टर श्री अटल बिहारी वजपायी के साथ

Literary Contributions

Literary Contributions

Besides being an academician, scientist and a teacher, Prof. Saxena is also a writer and a poet. Following two books of his work have been published in Hindi:

  1. Geeta Kavya Madhuri, published by Pustak Mahal Publishers, New Delhi, 2002 (ISBN: 81223-0778-7). This book is a translation of all 700 shlokas of Geeta into metered Hindi verses.
  2. Baal Geeta, Published by Penguin Books, New Delhi, New Delhi 2010 (ISBN 10: 0143414445 ⁄ ISBN 13: 9780143414445). This book is to convey the essential message of Geeta to children and beginners in form of a long poem (200 simple Hindi verses).

Prof Saxena also established a website of Hindi Poetry and Literature in 2005. The website URL is:

This website is one of the most popular website on Hindi Poetry and attracts 0.5 to 1 million readers each month. Prof. Saxena as a lover of Hindi poetry and literature personally runs this website and constantly updates it on weekly basis.

Prof. Saxena was honored at the Meerut Literary Festival by “Krantidhara Meerut Sahitya Ratna Samman”. [Meerut, Nov 24-26, 2017]

See the dramatization of Prof. Saxena’s book Baal Geeta by school children

About rajivkrishnasaxena